Designs with a story

Some of us love and are fascinated by the night as much as by the day. After all, light cannot exist without the darkness. Titles have been adapted to fit IT’S ALL KyG products, to be found through specific tags, but here you will find the original intention of the paper collage series called LA NOCHE (The Night) in Spanish. By Gustavo Corrales Romero.

We also refer to them as our

· Nocturnal Scenes ·

Stargazer T-shrirt on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG


Originally called EQUILIBRIUM.

The stars convey a message that I have yet to decipher. I look up at the sky and I feel that I am part of something immense, something eternal. I feel that the stars watch over me, that the night holds me. 

Las estrellas son como un mensaje que aún no he podido descifrar. Miro al cielo y me siento parte de algo inmenso, de algo eterno. Siento que me amparan las estrellas, que me acuna la noche.

— Gustavo Corrales Romero

Find our poster collection below,

and all other Nocturnal Scenes products here...

Stargazer Poster

As above, so below. 

This Zazzle quality poster best captures the intention of the original paper collage named EQUILIBRIUM, flagship of our Nocturnal Scenes Collection. 

Several paper choices, and also offered in an adapted acrylic print version.

Stargazer Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG
Lovers and Light Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG


The Lovers are also offered in acrylic print and on canvas.

The Lovers

Guess who…? This design stems from one of our first dates, a memorable night we fondly treasure. Original title of the paper collage that is the basic design for this poster is LOS AMANTES. 

The tropical night is warm. The air is charged with scents that open every pore. The skin seeks the encounter. The whole body is electrified. I kiss my girlfriend on the tip of a wet star... and the night envelops us in a cool, relaxing breeze.

La noche tropical es tibia. El aire está cargado de olores que abren cada poro. La piel busca el encuentro. Todo el cuerpo se electriza. Beso a mi novia sobre la punta de una estrella húmeda… y la noche nos regala una brisa fresca, relajante.

— Gustavo Corrales Romero

Full Moon

LUNA LLENA celebrates the bounty of love, pure and simple, no matter what form it takes: sisters, lovers, friends.

Love is a force that transcends us; it is an energy that permeates everything. Love extends beyond the beings it touches.

El amor es una fuerza que nos trasciende; es una energía que lo penetra todo. El amor va más allá de los seres que toca.

— Gustavo Corrales Romero

Sisters Love Moon Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG
Woman Fertility Plea Moon River Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG


MATERNIDAD has a woman pleading with the rising moon, reflected in the water, to render her fertile…

Mother Moon, move the waters of my womb. Clean them so that they cradle Life. Grant me a child.

Madre Luna, mueve las aguas de mi vientre. Límpialas para que acunen la Vida. Regálame un hijo.

— Gustavo Corrales Romero