Designs with a story...

Gustavo Corrales Romero’s paper collage series CIUDADES (Cities in Spanish) erupted from an appreciation for the history and grandeur of some great and some lesser known cities, in combination with a fascination with color and wrought iron.

Welcome to IT’S ALL KyG’s

·City Impressions·

IT'S ALL KyG Throw Pillow on Zazzle

More IT'S ALL KyG pillows found here



City of enchantment, elegance, grace and mystery. Whoever visits Paris falls in love with her and her spell never leaves us again. To always have her close and remember her, nothing better than a little piece of the Eiffel Tower... a magical arabesque.

Ciudad de encanto, elegancia, gracia y misterio. El que la visita se enamora de ella y su hechizo nunca más nos abandona. Para tenerla siempre cerca y recordarla nada mejor que un trocito de la torre Eiffel… un arabesco mágico.

— Gustavo Corrales Romero

Find our City Impressions posters below,

all other products based on these designs here,

Paris Poster

Where it all began: The first in this series! Although this IT'S ALL KyG design looks good on all products it is featured on, this Zazzle quality poster best captures the intention of the original paper collage. 

Find all Zazzle products with this design here.

Paris Paper Collage Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG
Guantánamo Paper Collage Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG

Click here to see all Guantánamo products.



"It was a little golden cup." This is how grandparents remember this quiet, organized and sober city. Her charm lies in her humility; in her simplicity, her elegance. She lies in a valley between violet mountains. That valley was my cradle; the mountains, my guardians. To the North the dreams, to the South the sea. To the West the fears, to the East the future, next to the sun.

“Era una tacita de oro”. Así recuerdan los abuelos a esta ciudad breve, organizada y sobria. Su encanto está en su humildad; en su sencillez, su elegancia. En un valle yace, entre montañas violetas. Ese valle fue mi cuna; las montañas, mis guardianes. Al Norte los sueños, al Sur el mar. Al Oeste los miedos, hacia el Este el futuro, junto al sol.

— Gustavo Corrales Romero


Chefchaouen Paper Collage Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG
Golden Sunset in Chefchaouen Paper Collage Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG

I heard a child say that the soul is blue. Like a soul this humble city vibrates at the foot of the mountains.
It lies placidly, spreading out like a cloak of lobelias in the valley, like a piece of heaven in the hand of God.


Le oí decir a un niño que el alma es azul. Como un alma esta ciudad humilde vibra a los pies de las montañas.
Yace plácida y se extiende como un manto de lobelias en el valle, como un trozo de cielo en la mano de Dios.

Gustavo Corrales Romero


All CHEFCHAOUEN products found here

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Granada Paper Collage Poster on Zazzle by IT'S ALL KyG


Concepts from the great Spanish Flamenco tradition. References to composer Manuel de Falla and writer Federico García Lorca.

More Granada products found here



 If the duende spirit appears, the bailaora taps out sparks with her heels; the angel who accompanies her blows, creating the spirals in the wrought iron. When the guitar cries, the muezzin on the other side of the sea turns his head. When the duende possesses the cantaora, drawing storms out of her mouth, Falla, transparent, reappears in a plaza arm in arm with Federico.

Si el duende asiste, la bailaora saca chispas al taconear; el ángel que la acompaña sopla y hace de las chispas volutas en las rejas. Cuando la guitarra grita, el almuédano gira su cabeza al otro lado del mar. Cuando el duende posee a la cantaora y saca por su boca las tormentas, Falla, transparente, reaparece en una plaza del brazo de Federico. 

— Gustavo Corrales Romero